
New Features in Aspirantic 1.0.3

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As of version 1.0.3 we have some cool new features we are happy to tell you more about. Let’s start with an update to our filters.

New Filters

There are new filters to search for maximum score as well as the ability to omit languages and technologies. This is to eliminate unwanted skills (e.g. search for Java, eliminate JavaScript).

Omit Filter in Search

Projects & Repositories

Forked repositories are now dimmed and marked by the typical fork icon.


Projects are also sorted by the stars they have received from the community (e.g. GitHub or Behance). Project stars are displayed as well. The amount of stars a project gets is another very good indicator for the candidate’s expertise and quality.


Social Search Buttons

New search buttons have been implemented to search for candidate profiles on external social platforms (LinkedIn, Google+, Xing, Twitter, Stackoverflow, etc.). In the event that our cralwer was unable to identify enough information about the developer, these buttons help you find relevant profile contact details.


Programming Languages

Languages in the profile view are sorted by the frequency of occurence. This frequency can be viewed by the number listed next to each language (i.e. Java 7)

Also, forked projects don’t sum up here anymore, but are still listed. We still mention the forked projects languages, assuming the candidate is more than interested in this language or even has experience if she/he forked a repository.

We will also analyze the contributions within a forked repository in one of the next versions, so that you can be really sure about that!

Programming Languages

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⤧ Next post: Version 1.0.4